We produce pressure and non-pressure stainless steel tanks for the brewing, food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Our main production activities are the design and manufacture of technological units of the brewery. We produce stainless steel beer tanks, CIP stations, bright beer tanks, breweries and beer production technologies.

fermentation tanks, cylindrical conical tanks, breweries, KEG washing machines, bottle beer fillers, stainless steel tanks, bright beer tanks, CIP stations, stainless steel steam generators

Stainless steel production Svoboda

Stainless steel tanks, stainless steel vessels, stainless steel breweries

cyllindrical-conical tanks nerezsvobodaWe produce stainless steel pressure and non-pressure stainless steel containers. Our main activities are the production design and manufacture of stainless steel units mainly in brewing, but also the pharmaceutical and food industries.

We are a family company based on years of experience in stainless steel production and metal passed down from father to son. Our main goal satisfied clientele that returns thanks to the responsible approach with which we try to approach individually according to the needs of each specific contract. Of course there is the focus, consultations and demands of customer, alignment of design, right materials or type of construction and finishes. All followed by the creation of 3D visualizations, production documentation, implementation and installation.

We use the latest technology and we insist on the best possible professional staff. At present, we are undergoing further improvement and innovation of our capabilities, allowing us to ensure, among other things gain certification standard 3834-2 for welded structures and pressure vessels.

The company occupies Prostejov, where flexibly serves its customers not only in the Olomouc region, but throughout the Czech, Slovak Republic, Poland, Austria, Germany. We supply our products also to other countries in Europe, including Norway, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Netherlands and Belgium. Our biggest advantage is the small flexible team who satisfies customer requirements quickly and reliably.

We offer quality you can expect from the market leader!

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